Volume 17, Issue 3
مرور بر اساس
ارسال های اخیر
Optimal Control of Service Rate in a Service Center with Lapse (Research Note)
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of a particular control doctrine applied to the service mechanism of a queuing process with lapse. It is assumed that the service discipline is FCFS (first come, first ...
Transonic Turbulent Flow Simulation using Pressure-Based Method and Normalized Variable Diagram
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)A pressure-based implicit procedure to solve the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations on a nonorthogonal mesh with collocated finite volume formulation is described. The boundedness criteria for this procedure are determined ...
Generation of Three-Phase PWM Inverter using Xilinx FPGA and its Application for Utility Connected PV System (RESEARCH NOTE)
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)Analysis and practical implementation of the regular symmetric sampled three-phase PWM inverter waveform has been presented in this paper. It is digitally implemented on a Xilinx field programmable gate array FPGA, and the ...
Influence of Compaction Condition on the Microstructure of a Non-Plastic Glacial Till
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)The influence of compaction water content on the structure has been well known forclayey soils, but has never been studied for granular materials. In this paper the structure of a nonplastictill and the effect of compaction ...
An Efficient Technique for Substrate Coupling Parasitic Extraction with Application to RF/Microwave Spiral Inductors (RESEARCH NOTE)
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)This paper presents an efficient modeling method, based on the microstrip lines theory, for the coupling between a substrate backplane and a device contact. We derive simple closed-form formulas for rapid extraction of ...
N-Policy for M/G/1 Machine Repair Model with Mixed Standby Components, Degraded Failure and Bernoulli Feedback
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)In this paper, we study N-policy for a finite population Bernoulli feedback queueing model for machine repair problem with degraded failure. The running times of the machines between breakdowns have an exponential distribution. ...
Constriction Scour In Pressurized Flow Condition (RESEARCH NOTE)
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)When depth of flow past a river bridge exceeds opening under the bridge, the flow under the bridge becomes pressurized. The water is directed downward and under the bridge deck, causing increase in velocity and shear stress ...
Prediction of The Pavement Condition For Urban Roadway A Tehran Case Study (RESEARCH NOTE)
(Materials and Energy Research Center, 2004-10-01)This report is the result of a research project on a pavement management system that was preformed by the Transportation Division of Iran University of Science and Technology. Information used in the project was collected ...