در حال نمایش موارد 1 - 10 از 336
Environmental-economic evaluation of sugar cane bagasse gasification power plants versus combined-cycle gas power plants
(GJESM Publisher, 2020-01-01)
Approximately 2.4 million tons of bagasse are produced each year in Iran, most of which are currently treated as waste adding to serious environmental concerns. Application of bagasse for energy production is a sustainable ...
Preventing water pollution using importance-performance analysis and terrain analysis
(GJESM Publisher, 2023-10-01)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The monitoring of the Brantas watershed showed a light-polluted status. This study began by identifying the priority of regional problems using importance-performance analysis. Furthermore, a ...
Origin and spatial distribution of metals in agricultural soils
(GJESM Publisher, 2016-04-01)
Presence of toxic metals in agricultural soils can impose adverse health impact on consumers. The main purpose of this study was to determine spatial distribution of elements Fe, Sb, Mn in agriculture soils and crops of ...
Risk barriers and sustainability in payment for ecosystem service implementation in smallholder forestry
(GJESM Publisher, 2024-07-01)
Agroforestry offers sustainable solutions for small-scale farmers and the environment, crucial for climate change adaptation and resilience. They store carbon, conserve biodiversity, maintain water and soil fertility, and ...
Treatment of small scale gold mining wastewater using pilot-scale sedimentation and Cocopeat filter bed system
(GJESM Publisher, 2019-10-01)
The use of amalgamation process to recover gold from mined ores by the small-scale gold miners in the Philippines and other developing countries produces and dispose of untreated wastewater to the receiving water bodies. ...
Analyzing and modeling urban sprawl and land use changes in a developing city using a CA-Markovian approach
(GJESM Publisher, 2016-12-01)
Mashhad City, according to the latest official statistics of the country is the second populated city after Tehran and is the biggest metropolis in the east of Iran. Considering the rapid growth of the population over the ...
Panel data regression approach on inclusive green growth
(GJESM Publisher, 2022-10-01)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study is investigated on endogenous variables inclusive of green growth by developing the concept of inclusive green growth in Indonesia. The objective of the current study was to describe ...
Different methods of bacterial inoculation on the yield of chamomile blossoms and essential oil
(GJESM Publisher, 2019-04-01)
Chamomile is one of the most wide spread medicinal plant cultivated in Egypt. This work aimed at enhancement of blossoms and oil production of chamomile plants via biofertilization with PGPRs under organic farming system. In this study, 6 bacterial strains were applied using two different inoculation techniques. The first application method was throughout soaking the roots of seedlings in the bacterial suspension before transplanting. The second technique was by adding the bacterial inocula to soil 2 weeks after transplantation. The results showed that root dipping method displayed high impact on the yield of chamomile blossoms and essential oil percentage. Furthermore, the soil application of the bacterial inocula didn't show any significant impact in this respect. Where Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus subtilis, Serratia plymuthica and Streptomyces subrutilus increased the dry weight of chamomile blossoms compared to the control, essential oil content increased significantly in case of Serratia plymuthica, Stenotrophomonas rhizophyla and Bacillus subtilis. The current results also indicated that bacterial strains produced the highest indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellic acid resulted in the highest yield of both flowers and essential oil....
Characteristics and circulation of archipelagic waters with the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model approach
(GJESM Publisher, 2022-10-01)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Misool Islands are lined up regularly from west to east, the southern part of Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua - Indonesia. The geomorphology is distinctive, and the coral reef substrate causes ...
Heavy metals loads in soil, farmlands and plant crop at open dumpsite
(GJESM Publisher, 2019-10-01)
This study aimed to evaluate concentrations of selected heavy metals in the soils of Ilokun dumpsite and adjourning farmlands, and to determine as well levels of heavy metals uptake in various parts of Carica papaya plant collected from the dumpsite. Twenty-two soil samples were collected within the dumpsites and farmlands at depths of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm. Evaluations of heavy metals (Ni, Zn, Cd, Cr, Pb and Cu) in soil samples and in different parts of Carica papaya plants were carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The study revealed higher concentration of Pb in the dumpsite than the farmlands. Mean concentrations of Cd in the dumpsites; 2.98±1.93 (0-20 cm) and 3.22±2.14 (20-40 cm) were higher than their corresponding depth in farmlands (1.93±1.28 (0-20cm) and 1.94±1.59 (20 – 40 cm). The study established a strong correlation for Ni/Pb (0.948) at depth of 0.20cm; Cu/Cd (0.985) and Pb/Cd (0.918) at depth of 20-40cm. Heavy metal uptake was highest in the plant parts compared to the dumpsites and farmlands. The result showed that translocation factor arrangement is: Cu ˃ Zn ˃ Cd˃ Cr˃ Pb˃ Ni and Cu had the highest translocation factor of 4.698. Based on the results, the various heavy metal could be classified as slight contaminants (Pb, Cr and Ni), moderate contaminants (Cu and Cd) and severe contaminant (Zn). Although concentrations of heavy metals in the farmlands were below the Department of Petroleum Resources and World Health Organisation allowable limits, monitoring the concentration profile of these heavy metals concentrations in the area is recommended to prevent detrimental effects on the environment....