International Journal of Health Policy and Management
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Why Are African Researchers Left Behind in Global Scientific Publications? – A Viewpoint
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)
Grappling With the Inclusion of Patients and the Public in Consensus Building: A Commentary on Inclusion, Safety, and Accessibility; Comment on “Evaluating Public Participation in a Deliberative Dialogue: A Single Case Study”
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Deliberative dialogue (DD) may be relatively new in health research but has a rich history in fostering public engagement in political issues. Dialogic approaches are future-facing, comprising structured discussions and ...
Complex Interventions for a Complex System? Using Systems Thinking to Explore Ways to Address Unhealthy Commodity Industry Influence on Public Health Policy
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Interventions are needed to prevent and mitigate unhealthy commodity industry (UCI) influence on public health policy. Whilst literature on interventions is emerging, current conceptualisations remain incomplete ...
Building a Systems Map: Applying Systems Thinking to Unhealthy Commodity Industry Influence on Public Health Policy
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Unhealthy commodity industries (UCIs) engage in political practices to influence public health policy, which poses barriers to protecting and promoting public health. Such influence exhibits characteristics of ...
Unravelling Low-Value Care Decision-Making: Residents’ Perspectives on the Influence of Contextual Factors
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Several initiatives have been developed to target low-value care (ie, waste) in decision-making with varying success. As such, decision-making is a complex process and context's influence on decisions concerning ...
Trends in Avoidable Mortality in Kazakhstan From 2015 to 2021
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background The health system performance assessment is a challenging process for decision-makers. In case of Kazakhstan's healthcare system, the calculation of avoidable mortality, which has been underutilized to date, ...
Inhibitors and Supporters of Policy Change in the Regulation of Unhealthy Food Marketing in Australia
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Evidence on the impact of policies that regulate unhealthy food marketing demonstrates a need for a shift from pure industry self-regulation toward statutory regulation. Institutional rules, decision-making ...
Subgroups of High-Cost Patients and Their Preventable Inpatient Cost in Rural China
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background High-cost patients account for most healthcare costs and are highly heterogeneous. This study aims to classify high-cost patients into clinically homogeneous subgroups, describe healthcare utilization patterns ...
Phase IV Drug Trials With a Canadian Site: A Comparison of Industry-Funded and Non-IndustryFunded Trials
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Recent regulatory reforms have favored expedited drug marketing and increased reliance on Phase IV clinical trials for safety and efficacy assurance. This study, utilizing, assesses the characteristics ...
Health Insurance Schemes and Their Influences on Healthcare Variation in Asian Countries: A Realist Review and Theory’s Testing in Thailand
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Various features in health insurance schemes may lead to variation in healthcare. Unwarranted variations raise concerns about suboptimal quality of care, differing treatments for similar needs, or unnecessary ...
The Rhetoric of Decolonizing Global Health Fails to Address the Reality of Settler Colonialism: Gaza as a Case in Point
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)This editorial critiques the existing literature on decolonizing global health, using the current assault on health in Gaza as a case in point. It argues that the failure to address the ongoing violence and blatant targeting ...
Hoarding Vaccines or Hedging Vaccine R&D Risks? — Motivation for Overbooking COVID-19 Vaccines in High-Income Countries
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)
Violence Against Health Workers Amidst Brain Drain in Nigeria: An Issue of Concern
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)
Public-Private Partnerships in Mexico: Implications of Engaging With the Food and Beverage Industry For Public Health Nutrition
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background In the last few years, Mexico adopted public health policies to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as front of package nutrition labelling, food marketing restrictions to children, and a soda tax. ...
Policy Actors’ Perceptions of Conflicts of Interest and Alcohol Industry Engagement in UK Policy Processes
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Alcohol industry organisations occupy a prominent position in UK alcohol policy, but their involvement has been contested by public health bodies on the basis that a conflict of interest (COI) exists between ...
Innovative Models of Care for Hospitals of the Future
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)New ways of providing acute care outside of traditional hospital building complexes, such as virtual care or hospital in the home, are becoming more common. Despite this, many hospitals are still conceived as “bricks and ...
Intersectoral Partnerships Between Local Governments and Health Organisations in High-Income Contexts: A Scoping Review
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2024-12-01)Background Local governments are the closest level of government to the communities they serve. Traditionally providing roads, rates and garbage services, they are also responsible for policy and regulation, particularly ...
Barriers and Opportunities for WHO ‘Best Buys’ Non-Communicable Disease Policy Adoption and Implementation From a Political Economy Perspective: A Complexity Systematic Review
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2023-12-01)Background Improving the adoption and implementation of policies to curb non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a major challenge for better global health. The adoption and implementation of such policies remain deficient ...
Evidence-Informed Surgical Systems Strengthening with Meaningful Stakeholder Involvement in Low-Resource Settings: A Response to Recent Commentaries
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2023-12-01)
Development of a Taxonomy of Policy Interventions for Integrating Nurse Practitioners into Health Systems
(Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2023-12-01)Background Nurse practitioners (NPs)—nurses with advanced training who can provide and prescribe care—are increasingly prevalent internationally. The growth of NPs can be attributed to physician shortages, growing demand ...