Volume 6, Issue 1


ارسال های اخیر

  • Traffic Condition Detection in Freeway by using Autocorrelation of Density and Flow 

    Torfehnejad, Hamid؛ Jalali, Ali (Tarrahan Parseh Transportation Research Institute, 2018-07-01)
    Traffic conditions vary over time, and therefore, traffic behavior should be modeled as a stochastic process. In this study, a probabilistic approach utilizing Autocorrelation is proposed to model the stochastic variation ...

  • An ANP-based Model for Location of Fixed Speed Cameras 

    Elyasi, Mohammadreza؛ Faezi, Seyed Farzin؛ Haghsheno-Sabet, Maryam؛ Mazaheri, Mehdi (Tarrahan Parseh Transportation Research Institute, 2018-07-01)
    Speeding is a major cause of traffic accidents and is estimated to be the cause of about 40% of fatalities in road accidents. Speed is a major accident risk factor and affects both rate and severity of traffic accidents. ...

  • Identification and Prioritization of Accident-Prone Segments using International Roughness Index 

    Semnarshad, Mohammadsina؛ Elyasi, Mohammadreza؛ Saffarzadeh, Mahmoud؛ Saffarzadeh, Arman (Tarrahan Parseh Transportation Research Institute, 2018-07-01)
    During last decades, owing to the increase in a number of vehicles, the rate of accident occurrence grows significantly. Efforts must be made to provide efficient tools to prioritize segments requiring safety improvement ...

  • Dynamic Multi-Objective Navigation in Urban Transportation Network Using Ant Colony Optimization 

    Abolhoseini, Sina؛ Sadeghi-Niaraki, Abolghasem (Tarrahan Parseh Transportation Research Institute, 2018-07-01)
    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is one of the most important urban systems that its functionality affects other urban systems directly and indirectly. In developing societies, increasing the transportation system ...

  • Simulating the Effects of Type and Spacing of Traffic Calming Measures on Urban Road Capacity 

    Shirmohammadi, Hamid؛ Mardani, Esfandiar؛ Emdadian Ghane, Majid؛ Hasheminezhad, Araz (Tarrahan Parseh Transportation Research Institute, 2018-07-01)
    One of the major reasons for accidents is speed. Top of Form Inappropriate speed has been identified as the most important causal factor for serious traffic accidents. Traffic calming measures (TCMs) are ...