مرور Teaching English Language بر اساس عنوان

در حال نمایش موارد 1 - 20 از 260

  • Abnormal Psychology in Lord Jim: Jim and Narcissism 

    Talebzadeh, Hossein (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2007-01-01)
    One impression a reader may get after reading Conrad's Lord Jimis that Jim is an abnormal kind in psychology. The most likely disorder seems to be narcissism; therefore, enumerating the attributes of people with ...

  • Abnormal Psychology in Lord Jim: Jim and Narcissism 

    Talebzadeh, Hossein (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2007-03-01)
    One impression a reader may get after reading Conrad's Lord Jimis that Jim is an abnormal kind in psychology. The most likely disorder seems to be narcissism; therefore, enumerating the attributes of people with this ...

  • The acquisition of dative alternation constraints by Persian speakers of English 

    Rezai, Mohammad Javad (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2010-07-01)
    A yet unresolved debate among language acquisition researchers is the functioning of innate language principles in SLA. UG-compatible analyses of interlanguage representations are not sufficient for this purpose. A ...

  • Analysis of Organizational Knowledge in Writing Corpora of the General Training IELTS-Practice Materials 

    Mansouri, Sara؛ Hadian, Bahram؛ Tabatabaei, Omid؛ Rezvani, Ehsan (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2019-08-01)
    Inspired by the concept of organizational knowledge, this research intended to analyze a corpus of 180 writing performances of two tasks of the General Training IELTS-practice scripts across three band scores, 7, 8 and 9 ...

  • Analyzing Verbs in the Discussion Section of Master's Theses Written by Iranian Foreign Language Learners 

    Khodabandeh, Farzaneh؛ Kasir, Ahmad (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2019-08-01)
    This study reports on the way nonnative Iranian writers make use of verbs in the discussion section/chapter of their master theses in the field of English Language Teaching. Although verbs have been studied extensively in ...

  • The Applicability of Teaching Lexical Bundles on Medical Students' Writing Proficiency in an EFL Context 

    Ghafar Samar, Reza؛ Shokrpour, Nasrin؛ Nasiri, Elham (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2018-10-01)
    This study aimed at investigating the applicability of teaching lexical bundles to the writing performance of medical students in an EFL context.  Four components of the writing proficiency, namely Task Response (TR), ...

  • An appraisal study of in-service English teacher education in Iranian mainstream education: Teachers’ voices 

    Atai, Mahmood؛ Asadi, Seyyed Asadollah (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2014-12-01)
    Among the prevailing channels for L2 teachers to develop professionally, in-service teacher education programs (INSTEPs), or "continuing professional development" (Johnson, 2004, p. 652), are echoed in the literature. The ...

  • Assessing reading comprehension from the perspective of test-takers: A qualitative approach 

    Sadeghi, Karim (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2009-08-01)
    This study reports the results of an investigation which sought Iranian scholars' attitudes, problems, and strategies publishing research articles in English. To this end, interviews were conducted with 72 academics across ...

  • Assessment Knowledge Needs of EFL Teachers 

    Tavassoli, Kobra؛ Farhady, Hossein (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2018-10-01)
    Within recent advances in education, teachers are expected to be aware of and apply effective procedures of instruction and assessment to enhance learning. This requires teacher education programs to provide opportunities ...

  • Assessment of ESP Students' Writing Performance: A Translation-Based Approach 

    Mashhady, Habibollah (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2016-10-01)
    Emerging in the 1960s as an area of English language teaching (ELT), English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been designed to instruct students to meet their academic needs. ESP is ...

  • The Association of Characters and Windows of Focalization in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf 

    Hessami, Hoda (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2009-07-01)
    Focalization is a narratological element, the angle, from which the events of story are oriented. Manfred Jahn has innovated the term “focalization windows", defined as imaginary windows opened from the consciousness of ...

  • Associations among EFL Teachers' Professional Identity, Professional Vitality, and Creativity 

    Khany, Reza؛ Malekzadeh, Parvin (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2015-12-01)
    Teachers' professional identity, professional vitality and creativity are three major factors that appear to affect teachers' professional life in EFL contexts. The main purpose of this study was to scrutinize the network ...

  • Big-C-Culture and Little-c-culture Genres: The Effect of Input Flooding on Speaking Accuracy 

    Saeedi Talab, Zari؛ Salehabadi, Sara (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2019-04-01)
    Learners have been required to be in the know about some target language cultural knowledge to improve their communicative ability that is a subject in stereotypical perspective towards different cultures named psychological ...

  • Blogging: Innovation in an EFL reading and writing class 

    Nikui Nezhad, Fatemeh (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2009-07-01)
    Computer-mediated learning tools have promised to be effective educational tools in language classes. This research focused on integrating tutor weblog and learner blogs into reading and writing English classes. This ...

  • Blogging: Innovation in an EFL reading and writing class 

    Nikui Nezhad, Fatemeh (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2007-01-01)
    Computer-mediated learning tools have promised to be effective educational tools in language classes. This research focused on integrating tutor weblog and learner blogs into reading and writing English classes. This ...

  • Chinese Teachers’ Perceptions of Creativity in the EFL Classroom: Advancing a Culturally Situated Conceptualization of Creativity 

    Zha, Zhewei؛ Greenier, Vincent (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2023-07-01)
    This study explores Chinese EFL teachers' perceptions of what characteristics define a creative pupil, beliefs about the malleability and creative competency of students, viewpoints on creativity's relationship to academic ...

  • Classroom Vocabulary Learning: Investigating the Role of Task Types on Iranian High Schools Learners of English as a Foreign Language 

    Jalilifar, Alireza؛ Amin, F. (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2009-07-01)
    The present study investigated the efficacy of task types on the vocabulary learning of Iranian learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) whose opportunities for communication outside classroom context are limited. ...

  • Coercive Power Enactment: The Case of Multimodal Interruptions 

    پدیدآور نامشخص (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2015-12-01)
    Building upon Fairclough's (1989) stages of critical discourse analysis, i.e. the micro level text (discourse) analysis, and the macro level processing (ideology) and social (power) analyses, the present paper foregrounds ...

  • Collaborative Reflection Through Blogs: Discoursal Patterns and Iranian EFL Pre-service Teachers' Comments 

    Afzali, Katayoon؛ Salehi, Sara (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2022-01-01)
    Despite the significance of writing critical recall and reflection journals for pre service teachers, a multitude number of recall and reflection journals written by them are descriptive and minimalistic. In view of this ...

  • The colonizer and the colonized: A postcolonial approach to Brave New World 

    Pakzad, Noushin (Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)انجمن آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی ایران (تلسی), 2010-07-01)
    Postcolonial studies analyze the power relationship between the colonizer and the colonized people and tries to show the dominance of the colonizer over the colonized people not only in political, but also in social, ...