Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics
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Optimality Conditions for Properly Efficient Solutions of Nonsmooth Multiobjective GSIP
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)This paper aims to establish first-order necessary optimality conditions for non-smooth multi-objective generalized semi-infinite programming problems. These problems involve inequality constraints whose index set depends ...
A Hybrid Floyd-Warshall and Graph Coloring Algorithm for Finding the Smallest Number of Colors Needed for a Distance Coloring of Graphs
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)Graph coloring is a crucial area of research in graph theory, with numerous algorithms proposed for various types of graph coloring, particularly graph p-distance coloring. In this study, we employ a recently introduced ...
Solving Linear Fractional Programming Problems in Uncertain Environments: A Novel Approach with Grey Parameters
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)Fractional programming is a significant nonlinear planning tool within operation research. It finds applications in diverse domains such as resource allocation, transportation, production programming, performance ...
Solving Fractional Optimal Control-Affine Problems via Fractional-Order Hybrid Jacobi Functions
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)This paper proposes and analyzes an applicable approach for numerically computing the solution of fractional optimal control-affine problems. The fractional derivative in the problem is considered in the sense of Caputo. ...
An Efficient Variable Neighborhood Search for Solving Multi-Criteria Project Portfolio Selection
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)Project portfolio selection is a critical challenge for many organizations as they often face budget constraints that limit their ability to support all available projects. To address this issue, organizations seek to ...
Optimizing Supply Chain Design for Sustainability and Reliability: A Comparative Study of Augmented Epsilon and Normalized Normal Constraint Methods
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)Integrating sustainability and reliability represents a synergistic approach that can be explored through the problem of a closed-loop supply chain network design (SCND). This study is conducted in three stages: ...
Big Data Analytics and Data Mining Optimization Techniques for Air Traffic Management
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)With the advancements in science and technology, the industrial and aviation sectors have witnessed a significant increase in data. A vast amount of data is generated and utilized continuously. It is imperative to ...
Dynamical Behaviour of Fractional Order SEIR Mathematical Model for Infectious Disease Transmission
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)This paper presents an extension of the SEIR mathematical model for infectious disease transmission to a fractional-order model. The model is formulated using the Caputo derivative of order α ∈ (0, 1]. We study the ...
A Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Leader-Follower Multi-Agent Systems
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2024-05-01)In this paper, we present a new approach for achieving leader-follower consensus in a network of nonlinear dynamic agents with an undirected graph topology, using a fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC) for Multi-Agent ...
Emotion Recognition for Persian Speech Using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-12-01)The paper discusses the limitations of emotion recognition in Persian speech due to inefficient feature extraction and classification tools. To address this, we propose a new method for detecting hidden emotions in ...
A New Weak Slater Constraint Qualification for Non-Smooth Multi-Objective Semi-Infinite Programming Problems
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-12-01)This paper addresses a non-smooth multi-objective semi-infinite programming problem that involves a feasible set defined by inequality constraints. Our focus is on introducing a new weak Slater constraint qualification ...
Graph Feature Selection for Anti-Cancer Plant Recommendation
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-12-01)Every year, extensive experimental analysis is conducted to evaluate the anti-cancer properties of plants. Developing a well-ranked list of potential anti-cancer plants based on verified anti-cancer metabolites can ...
Mathematical Modeling Considering Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Habitats for Biological Losses on Roads
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-06-01)Mathematical modeling has been a significant tool in biological sciences for several decades. Modern agricultural practices have had numerous effects on different aspects of ecosystems, particularly on animal populations. ...
Optimal Edges in Morphological Snakes
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-06-01)In 2010, Alvarez et al. proposed an algorithm for morphological snakes that could detect objects whose edges consist of convex sets and polygonal edges. However, the algorithm may not detect the boundary well if the edges ...
Effective Data Reduction for Time-Aware Recommender Systems
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-06-01)In recent decades, the amount and variety of data have grown rapidly. As a result, data storage, compression, and analysis have become critical subjects in data mining and machine learning. It is essential to achieve ...
A Proximal Method of Stochastic Gradient for Convex Optimization
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-06-01)The Proximal Stochastic Average Gradient (Prox-SAG+) is a primary method used for solving optimization problems that contain the sum of two convex functions. This kind of problem usually arises in machine learning, which ...
Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using Haar Wavelets and Hybrid GA
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2023-06-01)In this paper, we solve a class of nonlinear optimal control problems using a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) and a direct method based on the Haar wavelets where the performance index is Bolza-form and the dynamic system ...
A Cramer Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Systems Based on Transmission Average
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2022-12-01)Solving fuzzy linear systems has been widely studied during the last decades. However, there are still many challenges to solving fuzzy linear equations, as most of the studies have used the principle of extension, ...
Application of the Mixed-Integer Programming Method in Fishery Supply Chain Network Management: A Case Study of Shrimp in Golestan Province
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2022-12-01)Social, economic, and environmental issues such as population growth, reduction of natural resources, climate change, market fluctuations, and changing consumer behavior have attracted the attention of politicians ...
Using the Integral Operational Matrix of B-Spline Functions to Solve Fractional Optimal Control Problems
(Payame Noor UniversityPayame Noor University, 2022-12-01)In this paper, we present a numerical method for solving the fractional optimal control problems in which fractional integral operational matrices of basic B-spline functions are used. In the proposed method, we use ...