Inheritance and variation of lint yield and fiber traits in a partially introgressed (Gossypiumbarbadense L. × G. hirsutum L.) population of cotton
Kantartzi, Stella K.Reyes-Valdes, M. HumbertoRoupakias, Demetrios G.نوع مدرک
TextResearch Paper
زبان مدرک
The objective of this study was to evaluate a partially introgressed (Gossypiumbarbadense L. × G. hirsutum L.) population of cotton for two years. The traits that studied were lint yield per plant, lint %, fiber length, fiber strength and micronaire. A total of 31 cytogenetically stable lines (2n=4x=52) were produced from a cross between a G. barbadense line, Carnak and a G. hirsutumline, 4S, through an alien pollination production system and three generations of self-pollination. Normal distribution was observed for all traits that studied apart from lint yieldper plant. Coefficients of variation were the highest for lint yield per plant and lint %. Heritability for lint yield ranged from 0.77 in 2004 to 0.71 in 2005. Correlation coefficients were the highest between fiber length and fiber strength which may indicate the possibility of concurrent selection of lines within the population for these two traits. In addition, micronaire and lint yield per plant were favorably associated. In the partially introgressed population (PI), Carnak × 4S, several lines that combined better yield, fiber quality performance or both than the introgressed parental lines were identified.
کلید واژگان
Alien pollinationsFiber quality
شماره نشریه
4تاریخ نشر
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciencesسازمان پدید آورنده
Dept. Plant, Soil and Ag. Systems, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL 62901 USA.Universidad AutónomaAgraria Antonio Narro (UAAAN), Saltillo, Coah., Mexico.
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Greece.