مرور بر اساس
ارسال های اخیر
Ability of some crops for phytoremediation of nickel and zinc heavy metals from contaminated soils
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)The present study was aimed at comparing the ability of three crop plants for phytoremediation of zinc (Zn) and nickel (Zn) from soils. A factorial (3×2×3) experiment based on RCBD was used to compare the treatments, and ...
Assessment of aquatic environmental quality using gyrodactylus sp. as a living probe: parasitic biomonitoring of ecosystem health
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)Biological indicators are species that can be employed to monitor environmental quality and ecosystem health. Different groups of organisms such as plants, animals, bacteria and parasites regularly produce certain molecular ...
Bioaccumulation of metals in silver carp and stone moroko from Zarivar Wetland in Kurdistan Province, Iran
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)This research aims to monitor the trace elements content (Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ag, Al, Mn, Mg, Zn and Fe) in the tissues of the muscle and liver of silver carp (H. molitrix ) and stone moroko (P. parva) from Zarivar Wetland in ...
Application of artificial intelligent approaches for the efficiency and energy consumption of a novel sonocatalyst
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)The sonocatalytic activity of nano-sized ZnO powder was studied via the degradation of the Direct Blue 71 azo dye. The nano-sized ZnO powder that was selected was the same as that which was synthesized and characterized ...
Locating industrial landfill using analytical hierarchy process (AHP)(Case study: Natanz-Isfahan industrial suburbs)
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)Locating landfills in urban areas is one of the most important issues in urban planning because of the effect on economy, ecology, and environment, therefore the right management and principled landfilling of solid waste ...
Feasibility study of coagulation system to greywater treatment and economical comparison with electrocoagulation in mining areas
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)Coagulants exert a significant influence on removing turbidity, TSS and COD. This study has examined the effects of poly-aluminium chloride (PAC), aluminium sulphate (alum) and ferric chloride on removal of turbidity, TSS, ...
Modeling of CO dispersion from the Stack of an Iranian cement industry
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)The objective of our study was to simulation of carbon monoxide (CO) dispersion exited from the stacks of a cement industry of Doroud, Iran by Gaussian Model (GM). Four sampling period was conducted to measurement of CO ...
Evaluation of noise pollution in Parks of Sanandaj City and zoning with Geographic Information System
(Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2016-11-01)It is accepted that noise pollution has a major impact on health, such as physical, physiological, psychological and performance related effects, all over the world. This study aims to evaluate noise pollution in four urban ...