Volume 5, Issue 1


ارسال های اخیر

  • Structure of the Fixed Point of Condensing Set-Valued Maps 

    Soltani, Z. (University of Kashan, 2020-03-01)
    In this paper, we present structure of the fixed point set results for condensing set-valued map. Also, we prove a generalization of the Krasnosel'skii-Perov connectedness principle to the case of condensing set-valued maps.

  • Random walk modeling for retrieving information on semantic networking 

    Abarghouei Nejad, Meghdad؛ Abarghouei Nejad, Meghdad؛ Hatami, Javad؛ Asadpour, Masoud (University of Kashan, 2020-03-01)
    In this article, the famous random walk model is exploited as a model of stochastic processes to retrieve some specific words which are used in social media by users. By spreading activation on semantic networking, this ...

  • On the Estrada index of Seidel Matrix 

    Hakimi-Nezhaad, Mardjan؛ Ghorbani, Modjtaba (University of Kashan, 2020-03-01)
    Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and with the Seidel matrix S‎. ‎Suppose μ1‎, ‎μ2,..., μn are the Seidel eigenvalues of G‎. ‎The Estrada index of the Seidel matrix of G is defined as SEE(G)=‎sum_{i=1}^{n} eμi‎. ‎In ...

  • Zagreb Indices and Coindices of Total Graph, Semi-Total Point Graph and Semi-Total Line Graph of Subdivision Graphs 

    Ramane, Harishchandra؛ Talwar, Saroya؛ Gutman, Ivan (University of Kashan, 2020-03-01)
    Expressions for the Zagreb indices and coindices of the total graph, semi-total point graph and of semi-total line graph of subdivision graphs in terms of the parameters of the parent graph are obtained, thus generalizing ...