An Effective and Low-Cost TiO2/Polystyrene Floating Photocatalyst for EnvironmentalRemediation
پدیدآور نامشخصنوع مدرک
TextOriginal Research Paper
زبان مدرک
A floating polymer-supported photocatalyst based on polystyrene impregnated with titaniumdioxide particles was developed using a facile solvent-cast method at ambient temperature. The preparedphotocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity of the developed photocatalysts was investigated usingmethylene blue dye. The prepared polystyrene-supported titanium dioxide photocatalysts successfullyremoved color from the aqueous solution without any additional pH adjustment under ultraviolet (254 nm)irradiation and non-stirred, non-anchored conditions. The maximum color removal achieved by the optimizedphotocatalyst (10 weight percent loading of Degussa P25 with respect to amount of polystyrene) was around93% after 7.5 h of ultraviolet light exposure. Further, the photocatalyst sheets were also tested for recoveryand reuse. The efficiency of color removal achieved by the optimized photocatalyst on reuse was in the rangeof 99–100%. The developed photocatalyst seems to be a promising candidate that can be further investigatedfor large scale commercial applications.
کلید واژگان
TiO2 photocatalystPolystyrene
Methylene Blue
شماره نشریه
2تاریخ نشر
University of Tehran/Springerشاپا