مرور Iranian journal of Learning and Memory بر اساس تاریخ انتشار
در حال نمایش موارد 1 - 20 از 112
The Effectiveness of Working Memory Training on Reading Difficulties among Students with Reading Disorder
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-04-01)The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of working memory training on reading difficulties of students with reading disorder. The design of this study was experimental with a pretest-posttest design and ...
Principles of Open School Design Based on Emotional Intelligence Model and Enhancing Learning
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-04-01)Considering the effects of open school spaces on students, the aim of the study was to provide guidelines for designing school open spaces to enhance the level of emotional intelligence and learning in primary school ...
The Relationship between Achievement Goals and Academic Success: The Investigation of Mediating Role of Academic Self-efficacy
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-07-01)The main goal of this paper was to identify the relationship between achievement goals and academic self-efficacy with academic success. It was attempted to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the ...
Effectiveness of Sand Tray Therapy on Emotional- Behavioral Problems in Preschool Children
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-07-01)Emotional-behavioral problems are common in preschool-children and might have some destructive effects on them as well as others. Sand tray therapy is an effective technique that encourages children to express their thoughts, ...
The Effect of Emotion-Focused Processing Strategies Training on Academic Adjustment of Female Students
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-07-01)The present study aimed to investigate the effect of emotion-focused processing strategies training on academic adjustment of female high school students in Kerman. This study was aquasi-experimental with pretest, posttest, ...
The Impact of Motivation Strategies on EFL Teachers' Motivation and Reflective Teaching in Iran
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-07-01)The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of using motivation strategies on EFL teachers' motivation and reflective teaching. In order to do this, 30 Iranian female EFL teachers who were the researcher's colleagues ...
The Role of Social-emotional Competencies and Social Teaching Practices on Students’ Emotions: The Mediation Role of Teachers’ Emotions
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-07-01)The present study aimed to evaluate a new model of students' emotions in which the role of teachers' social-emotional competencies, social teaching practices, and their emotions was considered. To this aim, 303 six-grade ...
Investigating the Factors Contributing to Professional Learning Community in E- Learning Environment; Using Content Analysis Method
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2018-10-01)A professional learning community contains communication and interaction. Interaction does not simply mean the one-way transfer of information from teacher to learner, but the discovery of ideas through others, the search ...
Community of Inquiry and Perceived Learning: A Study of a Blended Learning Environment
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-01-01)The initial proposed the Community of Inquiry (COI) framework suggests that social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence are essential dimensions to promote successful learning experiences in higher education ...
Identifying and Prioritizing the Components of Blended Learning in Elementary Schools
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-01-01)The general aim of the present research was to identify and prioritize the components of blended learning in elementary schools. This mixed-method research is of sequential exploratory type. In the qualitative stage, the ...
The Effect of Social Problem-Solving Skills Training on the Educational Resilience of Children in Labour
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-01-01)This article aimed to study the effect of social problem solving skills training on the educational resilience of children in labour. The statistical population of the study included all the girls in labour, aged 12 to 18 ...
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Training Based on Self-Esteem on Social Adjustment and Academic Achievement Motivation of First- Grade High School Female Students in Ashkezar
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-01-01)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of cognitive-behavioral training based on self-esteem on social adjustment and educational achievement motivation of first-grade high school female students in Ashkezar. ...
The Role of HEXACO Personality Traits in Predicting the Speaking Ability of Male and Female EFL Learners
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-05-01)This study investigated the predictive role of HEXACO personality traits (honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) in the speaking performance of Iranian ...
The Relationship between Personality Traits and Vocabulary Learning Strategies
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-05-01)This study examined the possible relationship between Iranian female intermediate EFL learners' personality traits and their vocabulary learning strategies. The participants in this study were 90 female intermediate English ...
Comparing the Effects of Physical, Cognitive and Combined Rehabilitation on the Improvement of Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility of the Elderlyy
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-05-01)The present study aimed to compare the effects of physical, cognitive and combined rehabilitation on improving working memory and cognitive flexibility of the elderly living in the nursing home. This quasi-experimental ...
The Role of Working Memory (WM) in Fluency, Accuracy and Complexity of Argumentative Texts Produced by Iranian EFL Learners
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-05-01)The present study intended to examine the relationship between working memory (WM) and writing performance of a group of Iranian EFL learners and to explore whether learners with different working memory levels perform ...
Effect of Observational Expert and Beginner Model on Learning of Basketball Free Throw: The Role of Imagination Capability
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-05-01)The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of observational expert and beginner model on learning basketball free throw skill in those with different levels of imagination capability. For this purpose, 30 ...
Presenting a Structural Model for Student Hope Forecast Based on Perception of Parent-Child Relationship and Socioeconomic Status through Mediation of Self-Esteem
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-08-01)The study was conducted with the aim of predicting educational hope based on the perceived parent-child relationship and socioeconomic status through self-esteem mediation in female high school students in the 19th district ...
The Relationship between Working Memory, Speaking Accuracy and Length of Utterances of Iranian EFL Learners
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-08-01)This study explored the relationship among working memory (WM), speaking accuracy and length of utterance of Iranian Intermediate EFL learners. The data were collected from 38 female EFL learners whose age range was between ...
Particle Phrases as Metaphorical Concepts Retained in Online Speech: The Case of Spoken Accuracy
(Iranian Educational Psychology Association, 2019-08-01)Particle phrases are defined as prefabricated “chunks" stored and retrieved as a whole from memory at the time of use, rather than being subject to generation or analysis by the language grammar. This study was an attempt ...