Characterization of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) in Adsorption Gas: Monte Carlo and Langevin Dynamic Simulation
Mahdavian, L.Monajjemi, M.Zhiani, R.نوع مدرک
TextResearch Paper
زبان مدرک
Nanostructures have considerably higher surface areas than their bulk counterparts; thereforesurfaces often play important, sometimes even dominant, roles in the nanostructure properties. Thenanocrystalline and nanotubes have low band gaps and high carrier mobility, thus offeringappealing potential as absorption gas. Interaction between methanol molecules and carbonnanotube is investigated using Monte Carlo (MC) and Langevin dynamic (LD) simulationmethods. We study the structural, total energy, thermodynamic properties and the acceptance ratiomethanol gas passing through an armchair carbon nanotube (7,7) have obtained in differenttemperatures. Passing gases in it changed the proportion CNT. In this study presented acomprehensive on effects of gases on CNT that it is on its electronic structure and transfer ofcharge from the atoms to the CNT. The total energy is increasing with addition temperatures.We study the structural, total energy and energy band gaps of absorption CH3OH and passesthrough CNT. They are computed with MC and LD Simulation methods at different temperatures.All the calculations were carried out using HyperChem 7.0 program package.
کلید واژگان
Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)Adsorption CH3OH
Mont Carlo Simulation
Interaction of CNT with methanol
شماره نشریه
2تاریخ نشر
Tehran, Islamic Azad University of Iran, Science and Research Branchسازمان پدید آورنده